Do’s And Don’ts For A Job Interview

Dos' And Don'ts For Success In An Interview

Applications, emails, resume proof reading, referral collection, chats, phone calls, family advice – you will be juggling all of this in the middle of giving an interview for a coveted job position that you’re dying to win for yourself. Once you are selected for a job interview, your future depends on how you face the interview. Keep in mind that there are many other equally suitable candidates who may be applying for the same position. That’s why you need to be very sure about how you’ll behave, and more importantly, ‘position’ yourself in the interview. Here are some tips that will help you sail through.


Check the location

Of course, there is Google Maps to your aid, but if the location of the interview is in the innards of the city, you may want to go to there a few days in advance and confirm with the authorities. If you are being interviewed by a large corporation, it is very likely that they may have a few offices in the same suburb. Make sure which one you’re supposed to go to and how much travel time does it take from your place. Being late is the last thing you’ll want!

Dress appropriately

Dress according to the industry in which you are applying for a job. Typically, job interviews require candidates to dress in formal wear. But if you are applying for a job in the advertising, crafts or the film industry, for instance, then dressing too formally would actually make you the odd one out. Semi formal or smart casual would be a great way to dress for such jobs. Exercise your discretion in this manner. Ask someone working with the company about how people dress there.

Carry all required documents

Most job applications are online these days but it never harms to carry a printed set of all your documents, certificates and portfolios. If the interviewer has misplaced your application and you are quick to hand it out to him/her in a jiffy, it will look very impressive.

Sell yourself

In the entire conversation, you must make constant efforts to stress your achievements and qualities that suit the role you are applying for. Even if you have outlined all of this in your resume and cover letter, don’t simply expect the interviewers to have read it line by line. 90% of the battle has to be won by your impressive conversation skills.

Research on the company

Read up as much as you can about the company you are applying to. Not just the company website, but even what other people have to say about it, its dealings and affairs in the previous years and so on. Have well-rounded opinions about the organization. And in each question, try and subtly flaunt off the research you have done on the company and the industry. This will also help you to ask intelligent questions about the company in the end when you have your chance to do so.

Observe the company culture

Do remember that the interview is also an important time for you to evaluate the company you are applying to. Notice how the team members interact amongst themselves, what the offices are like and so on. Of course, this is a very short period of time to judge an entire company’s culture, but you are likely to get a ‘vibe’ of the place. It may happen that if you end up having a bad experience in the interview itself, you may never choose to work for the company.

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TAGS: how to dress for an interview, interview, interview advice, More