7 Best Tips For Aspiring Writers

7 Best Tips For Aspiring Writers

To make a career out of writing seems like an easy thing to do. But as most writers say, once you start doing it, you’ll realize how challenging it actually is. For most people, writing is just a way of expressing one’s thoughts and opinions. However, in reality, it’s a lot more than just that. The use of language in a proper manner and developing good storytelling techniques takes a lot of time, effort and practice.

If you are someone who is aspiring to become a writer, listed here are a few helpful tips you can follow to reach your goal and become successful.

1. Write Daily

Good writers write all the time. They may not necessarily be writing good stuff all the time, nor would they be writing towards a specific goal or agenda, but they write anyway. So make it a point to write something everyday, such as a daily journal, a thought, a few quotes, maybe just a letter to someone. Just because you aren’t getting paid to write a novel doesn’t mean that you leave writing altogether. The more you write, the more your brain engages in practice, and it improves your skills.

2. Read

Writing and reading go hand in hand. For you to be able to write better and bring variety in your work, it is important for you to be aware of the different styles of writing in the world. And that is only possible when you read the works of other writers and get to know of their writing style. Seek inspiration, get ideas, understand their storytelling patterns and techniques, and you will notice a difference in your writing style, which will happen almost automatically.

3. Discipline is Important

You can’t take your writing lightly. Make it a point to dedicate certain number of hours to your writing everyday. Ensure that you have a dedicated, uncluttered space where you have a proper desk for you to work on. You need to eat right, sleep right and live right to write right. Being moody and lazy is not going to help you to take your career anywhere. Avoid distractions such as phones and TV or Internet while you are writing.

4. Save Your Thoughts

Ideas don’t come with a notice. They come to us at any and every time, sometimes while standing in the line waiting to pay the bill at the super market, sometimes while travelling to work or sometimes when we are contemplating about life in a hot shower. Make it a point to record the best of your thoughts and ideas as soon as they come to you, so you can use them later. Save them on your phone, iPad etc. so that you can work on them later. Most times, people don’t save their ideas and think that they will remember them later, but the same idea just doesn’t strike anymore at a later stage. So try and save them while they are still fresh in your head.

5. Criticize Your Work

It is one thing to be confident about your work and defend what you feel is right. But it is another thing to fall in love with your own writing to the extent that you just don’t see any flaws in it. Well, to not see flaws in your own work is a dangerous thing to do. You must keep re-reading your own work to correct it, improve it and polish it. You must have the ability to think objectively and be ruthless like an Editor for your own work. Only then will you perfect the art of storytelling and will be able to become a good writer.

6. Seek Others’ Opinions

Sometimes, when your own criticizing powers fail to help, other people’s criticism comes to your rescue. Make your friends and family members go through your work and ask them for their feedback and opinions. Most times, the feedback from other people helps you to see things from a newer perspective, and that is highly important for improvements in your work.

7. Don’t Give Up

It’s not easy to become a writer, at least not for everyone. You have to start small, and then gradually work your way up. You will face rejection from a number of publishers before somebody finally agrees to publish your book, and there will be a lot of people who may not enjoy your style of writing. However, as long as you are open to evolving and improving your writing everyday with sheer determination and dedication, there will be no stopping, and sooner or later, you’ll make it as a good writer.

Your journey to becoming a successful writer has no definite route and no definite time period. While some people become famous with their writing almost instantly, there are others who take years to even finish their first book. It all depends on how much time you dedicate to your writing, and how much you indulge in self-improvement and enhancement.

Photo Courtesy : Francisco Osorio
TAGS: criticizing, dedication, determination, More