Are Men And Women Equal? What Do You Think?

4. Never asked myself this question

May, 39, a South-East Asian software engineer, has a great insight to answer our question. “Even though my parents are from a traditional Chinese background, my upbringing has been great. I’ve never ever had to ask myself ‘Are men and women equal?,” said May. She also added that this modern outlook in her family was attributable to both of her parents being well educated and open minded.

5. Men have been and always will be the stronger race

Mickey, 24, an American African and an aspiring hip hop artist had a firm opinion of his own. “We may not like to hear it or accept it, but men have been and always will be the stronger race. What do you think, are men and women really equal?,” he asked us. “Of course,” we replied. “Then can you please tell me why there have been no woman presidents in America, ever?,” asked Mickey. We were indeed left speechless.

Annie, Jodie, Nathan, May and Mickey – all had answers for our question ‘Are men and women equal?’. Five different people, five different answers. What are your thoughts? Do you think that the human race has moved on from the medieval ages? What would you answer if we asked you, are men and women equal?

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