7 Things to Say to Make Your Husband Feel Great

5. You can fix just about anything

Men are known to get a feeling of satisfaction when they can help a woman accomplish something. Whether it is opening a tightly fitted jar, sorting though accounts or operating the TV remote, let your husband know that he is your go-to person for every situation. This will make him feel proud of being a strong person.

6. Thanks for your advice

There are likely to be many instances after your marriage when you sought your husband’s advice. Instead of simply saying thank you, make your husband feel great by telling him how much you value his advice and guidance in life. Give him specific examples and appreciate the way in which he bailed you out of a sticky situation by giving you valuable advice.

7. I can see other women staring at you

Instead of going green with envy on seeing other women checking out your husband, manipulate the situation and earn some brownie points from your hubby. When you catch a woman staring at your husband, tell him about it and how lucky you feel to be his wife. This will make your husband feel like he is on the top of the world.

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