7 Easter Crafts for Children

5. Ribbon Egg

Things you need:
A large polystyrene egg
Different colored, patterned ribbons
White glue
Paint (optional)

1. Paint the egg with a base coat if you like, then paint glue all over it.
2. Wrap ribbons around the egg, starting from the top to the bottom of the egg. Use varied color of ribbons. Trim them at the bottom.

Your ribbon egg is ready to be be used as a decoration!

6. Bunny Ears

Things you need:
White poster board
Pink construction paper
Easter stickers, optional
Markers, crayons, or colored pencils; optional

1. Cut out a strip of white poster board about 2″ wide.
2. Cut out two ears from the poster board and two inner smaller sized ears from the pink construction paper.
3. Glue the two ears together; the pink being inside the white ears.
4. Stick the ears inside the white band. See if they properly fall behind your child’s head.
5. Let your child decorate his/her bunny ears with Easter stickers, crayons, colored pencils and markers.
6. Staple the band so that it fits your child’s head. Cut off the remaining.

Your bunny ears are ready to be worn!

7. Rocking Chick

Things you need:
Yellow paint
Paper plate
Orange card
Wiggly eyes
Yellow feathers

1. Paint the back side of a paper plate yellow and let it dry.
2. After drying, fold the plate in half such that the yellow side shows on the outside.
3. Cut a triangle shaped orange card and fold it in half which forms the beak. Stick it to the fold of the plate.
4. Glue an eye on both sides of the paper plate. Then glue some feathers as wings on both sides.

Your rocking chick is ready!

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