6 Ways to Prevent a Burnout

4. Have a life outside work

It is extremely important to have a healthy social life, a world that you can escape into after you leave the office. Have a good set of friends who have a positive outlook towards life and be in constant touch with your relatives. You could also keep date nights with your spouse. This will help you to stop thinking about work after office hours and keep you from wasting your energy in thinking about what will happen at work tomorrow.

5. Keep yourself physically fit

It is essentially that you have the physical health to deal with the pressures of life. Keep yourself energized by eating well, exercising regularly, drinking plenty of water, and having a good night’s sleep. Also, avoid watching too much TV after you come home from work. It is only when you are physically fit that you can exert yourself mentally.

6. Listen to your body

When you are headed for burnout, your body gives a lot of subtle signals. You will feel consistently exhausted, tired, and out of patience. You may also have a drop in your appetite and may find it difficult to sleep. These are all ways in which your body lets you know that you need to do something about the way things are. Learn to notice these signals.

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