6 Ways to Be Less Emotional in a Relationship

4. Don’t act like a drama queen

If your innate personality is a bit like a drama queen, you could be unknowingly annoying your boyfriend. No one likes drama queens who create unnecessary chaos and make a big deal out of insignificant things. If you have such a personality, curb your emotional flair before your boyfriend can’t handle it. This will help you tone down your display of emotion towards your relationship.

5. Keep low expectations from your relationship and your boyfriend

Keeping unreasonably high expectations in life can be a big source of disappointment and emotional turmoil. The same rule applies to relationships as well. For example, don’t expect your boyfriend to woo you with gifts all the time if he is not a very expressive person. Or don’t expect him to dance with you at a party if he is an introvert. You may be able to naturally become less emotional in your relationship if you reduce expectations from your boyfriend.

6. Balance your personality with that of your boyfriends’

Suppose you are overtly emotional in your relationship because you are constantly surrounded by feelings of jealousy, guilt, doubt or obsession. Think about your boyfriend’s personality and match it to your own behavior. If he is not possessive of you, if he doesn’t give instant responses, if he doesn’t get ruffled about the issues that you do, why should you be the only one boiling your blood? Both partners in a relationship are supposed to carry equal amount of emotional baggage on their shoulders. So if your boyfriend is taking things easy and not worrying too much, nor should you.

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