6 Tips On How to Quit Smoking

4. Avoid company of smokers

Try to stay away from smokers as much as possible as this may sometimes lead to either plain temptation or succumbing to the social pressure. Talk to your friends about your plans and ask them to avoid smoking in front of you.

5. Replace the butt

For most people, a cigarette is dead important after a meal. Avoid that. Replace it with something healthy. Maybe a fruit or a juice. Even a piece of gum would do. Anything to avoid the smoke.

6. Diet

Yes, this is important too. Some quitters tend to put on a little weight which by the way is a very small amount. But some people may feel demotivated and start smoking again. To avoid this, maintain a healthy diet. Exercise and eat healthy.

After all that is said here, what matters most, is your perseverance. There is no better teacher than oneself. Only you can change yourself for good or bad. It’s your choice. Make it and stick to it.

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