6 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Too Possessive

4. He wants you to agree with him always

If your boyfriend is over-possessive, he will want you to agree with him always even if what he says is something you do not think is right. He expects it to be your duty to support him no matter what and in fact, takes you for granted. Your opinion has no value to him, and he thinks he owns you.

5. He punishes you for not listening to him

If you do not listen to your boyfriend, he retaliates by punishing you in childish ways like not talking to you, sending you messages saying how hurt he is, ignoring your calls and so on. He tries to do this to attract your attention and make you feel miserable for not listening to him. If such is the case, it is a sign that he is over-possessive.

6. He tries to control your tastes/hobbies

If your boyfriend tries to control and change everything about you including your tastes and hobbies, remember that he is over-possessive. He intends to mold you into someone you are not. He constantly lectures you upon why you should like something and why something you already like is bad.

If you see any of these signs, then your boyfriend is over-possessive. He wants to take full control of your life making you only a puppet in his hands, which he will make dance at his whims and fancies.

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