5 Signs of a Commitment Phobe

4. Going to a wedding in 6 months time, yea right!

If you tend to delay RSVPing to a wedding invite for as long as possible because you know your guy would make a face and you two will fight because the wedding is too far away, you should know that your guy does not like commitment.

5. His friends do not know you much

He will tend to avoid discussing you in detail with his friends, for that will make them know you and that, in his head, would translate to a commitment of sorts. So if his close friends don’t really know you, that is a sign that he has issues with committing.

Being scared of commitment, however, does not mean that he will not commit. It just means that you will have to make sure that he understands that you know how hard it is for him to commit, and you respect and adore him for that. Also, you must tell him that you have complete faith in him when it comes to commitment, even though you have your doubts.

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