4 Tips to Make Your Bedroom Look Bigger

3. Find creative ways to store your stuff

Extra items that need to be put in storage don’t require a separate cabinet. You can find many creative places to keep them. There are generally many built-in shelves and storing capacities in the kitchen and bathroom – make use of them. Store rarely used items in a box under your bed. You can also look for multi-function furniture: a coffee table with drawers, or a foot stool with interior storage.

4. Remove clutter and unnecessary appliances

Clutter can easily build up in areas like the bedroom. Do weekly clean ups where you remove old letters, newspapers, bills, and unused objects. Throw out your old makeup, old lotions and creams, and other toiletries. Try to keep only the essential items in view. You can also cut back on appliances that are unnecessary. Move the table fan out into the living room during winter. If your bedroom is already small, don’t bring in a T.V. If you already have a T.V. in your bedroom, try moving it out and see if it gains you extra space.

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