12 Tips While Entering A New Job

Tips While Entering A New Job

First impression is the last impression. This is very much applicable in case of your workplace. Joining a new job can be scary and daunting, but you need to take control of your nerves and feel all confident and enthusiastic in order to make the right sort of professional and personal impression on your colleagues and boss. Here are 12 tips to help you create a first impression when you enter a new job:

1. Dress appropriately

Every organization and job profile has an unsaid dress code that professionals are expected to adhere to. So make sure you dress appropriately according to your job and designation so as to reflect a positive image of you to the organization that you are joining.

2. Research thoroughly

Do your homework thoroughly and know what you’ll be expected to do and how. While there are certain things that you can learn only when you join the job, but it will always reflect positively on you if you do some research and be prepared.

3. Observe carefully

When you enter a new job, just observe carefully. Get to know more about the work culture and how things are done by noticing people around you. Get used to the customs of the organisation in order to gel nicely with your colleagues.

4. Be smart enough to avoid people who may cause harm to you

Call it corporate ragging or simply the ‘new guy/gal’ syndrome, when you are new to a job, you may find some sort of ‘different’ treatment given to you from that of the existing employees. There might be many who can’t wait to show you as incompetent or clumsy, so just be smart enough to identify and avoid such people.

5. Be punctual

This is probably one of the most basic tips that you should keep in mind while entering a new job. Be punctual and professional and give no chance to anyone to taunt you regarding not being on time.

6. Take initiative

Take the initiative to do things. Volunteer for doing work. This will help you in a lot of ways in the long run. It will display your leadership qualities to the executives which might prove to be beneficial.

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Photo Courtesy : sxc.hu: connor212
TAGS: boss, career advice, career tips, More