10 Secrets of Happy Couples

6. Agreeing to disagree

If you expect your husband to agree with all your opinions or vice versa, you are in for trouble because in the real world, that may not happen. Happy couples accept that they can have different opinions and learn to live with it rather than trying to convince each other.

7. Respecting each other’s families

However independent couples are, some contact with the family is inevitable. Happy couples make it a point to like those members of the family that their spouses do. Respect each others’ family and do your bit to show that you actually care. Cutting off ties with a particular family member can leave an unspoken grudge in your partner’s heart which can lead to complications later.

8. Enjoying the differences

What happens if the husband is an introvert, hardcore finance expert and the wife is a happy go lucky, extrovert art critic? Would mayhem ensue? Not necessarily. The secret of couples who seem perennially happy is that they learn to enjoy each other’s differences, not get antagonized or intimidated by it.

9. Prioritize spending time together

Most working couples may have their platters full with errands all day. There are kids to take care of, the laundry needs to be done, the bills need to be paid, the golf clubs need to be replaced, emails need to be sent and so on. The grind of life is so enormous that it can take away from the time you spend as a couple. You must schedule time for yourself and your spouse to be a happy and satisfied couple.

10. Don’t keep raking up the past all the time

Couples who live in the past and keep pointing fingers towards the wrong they did before marriage, may never be happy. Everyone has a past in which they might have made some terrible mistakes. If you keep recalling the past every time during a fight or an argument, chances are that your marriage may never move forward.

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