10 Causes of Premature Graying of Hair

6. Pollution

Everyone is aware that environmental pollution is detrimental to your skin, but what you probably didn’t know was that it’s pretty bad for your hair too. Those free radicals are harmful for your hair as much as for your skin.

7. Excessive use of hair care products

Excessive use of hair care products can cause your hair to gray prematurely. Exposing your hair to products containing hydrogen peroxide (for example colored dyes, hair bleaching products, some shampoos and conditioners) is bad. Remember that too much of everything is bad. So show some restraint and try to keep it as natural as possible.

8. Stress

Are you stressed out and exhausted always? Are you the victim of a prolonged and chronic stressful life? Well, your hair might be paying the price of your lifestyle. So take a chill pill and try to relax.

9. Excessive use of teeth whitening products

This is because of the hydrogen peroxide found in teeth whitening products. Excessive use can lead to premature graying of hair. Increasing levels of hydrogen peroxide in body has an adverse effect on enzymes which give color to your hair. So consult your doctor/dentist before using any product to rule out the possibility of suffering from this side effect.

10. Your genetic makeup

Finally blame it on genes, and there’s nothing much you can do about it! Some people just have it in their genetic makeup to have gray hair prematurely.

Now you know what causes premature graying, so try to avoid as many risks as you can. For detailed information, you can always consult your doctor to minimize your risks of having gray hair prematurely.

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