7 Ways Your Smartphone is Destroying Your Life

5. There is no spontaneity

In the age of smartphones, there is no spontaneity. You already know whether a friend is coming over or if you are going to have guests. You cannot make plans in the spur of the moment because someone already messaged you and booked your time for the day. You are expected to call or drop a message at the drop of a pin just so as to keep everyone updated of your whereabouts. You no longer can afford to get lost even for a while.

6. You don’t talk to people

How many people have a nice coffee table conversation these days? Or meet up just to share a drink and have a nice chat? Oh, sure they still do that, don’t they? Yes, but are they really chatting? Are they really having any conversation? Most of us are busy checking Facebook, updating our statuses, messaging someone else rather than talking to the one sitting next to us and busy on the little screens as though they have some secret code giving directions to heaven!

7. Your obsessions get the better of you

The one thing that smartphones constantly do is make you more and more aware of your shortcomings by constantly bombarding you with information about the lovely lives everyone else is having and pushing you to do something for yourself too. It triggers your obsessions and makes you hungrier and hungrier for more. Whatever it is that you seek, smartphones make it way easy to find out the large amount of options available, discussions, reviews, statistics, news and various other data pertaining to them. You simply cannot get something out of your head because smartphones are always ready to add on to them and aggravate your sensations.

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TAGS: destroying your life, smartphone, smartphone apps, More