Top 3 Benefits of Jealousy

Top 3 Benefits of Jealousy

Jealousy crops up now and then in every human heart for a wide variety of reasons, ranging from the promotion of a colleague at work to a neighbor winning a million dollar lottery. We have always been told to avoid this ill feeling at all costs. But the question that comes to mind is -“is jealousy always that bad?” Well, as it turns out, the answer is a resounding no. No matter how bad an emotion is perceived as, it does have its merits as well. So what exactly are the benefits of jealousy? Read on to find out.

1. It’s a window into your soul

Jealousy can speak volumes about your character. All you need to do is ask yourself some questions whenever you find yourself pining for something the other person has and start getting jealous for the same. Firstly, ask yourself why you are jealous -is it just because you hate her guts and can’t see her doing well or is it because you really yearn for what she has got? Secondly, how often do you feel jealous? While an occasional bout of jealousy is completely natural and even important as you will soon find out, but as you know too much of everything is bad, the same applies to jealousy as well. Thirdly, why is it that it’s me feeling jealous about her and not the other way round? Is it because she is doing something better or is it because she is plain lucky? Thus jealousy followed by a certain amount of soul-searching can be an eye opening experience as it teaches you more about yourself. It throws light upon your hidden whims and expectations, your wants and desires.

2. It can strengthen relationships

Though this statement may seem shocking to you, but trust us, it is true. Contrary to our belief that jealousy can be a nail in the coffin for any relationship, the truth is completely the opposite. Jealousy is unavoidable and in fact important in a relationship. Hence the next time you feel jealous when the hot chick next door starts talking to your boyfriend, just remember what we told you and be happy because it shows that you really love him and pine for him. The same goes when you are the cause of jealousy for your boyfriend. The fact that he seems to feel sad or get annoyed when you are in the company of your male friends is testimony to the fact that he cares for you a lot. If you want to look at it in another way, you will also find that the longer you are with a person and get to know him, you will be less susceptible to these bouts of jealousy – not because you don’t care for him anymore but because you turn more comfortable in your relationship and gain the ability to face your insecurities and doubts.

3. It can be a driving force to succeed

Instead of sulking at another person’s success, you can work hard to achieve the same. There are lots of instances when idiots turn into geeks and losers turn into heroes just because instead of lying in a corner whining about themselves, they take it as a challenge to do better than the other person. So the next time you are jealous of someone, instead of immersing yourself in self-pity, look at what can improve your efforts and do better so that in the future, you are the cause of her envy and not the other way round. Jealousy can show you what it is that you actually strive for and the onus is on you to motivate yourself to achieve the same.

Photo Courtesy : wsilver
TAGS: benefits of jealousy, competition, expectations, More