Make Forgiving Easy With These Top 7 Tips

5. Accept genuine apology

‘I’m sorry’ are words that are hard to let out. If there is someone in your life who has caused pain and hurt you, give them a chance to apologize. And more importantly, try your best to accept a genuine apology. But be warned, as we all know, there are many evil minds who will be ready to dole out so-called-apologies in selfish interest. Be careful!

6. Rejuvenate the bond

Whether we like it or not, it may not be possible to severe bonds between yourself and the person you want or may not want to forgive. Let me take you back to how I broke up with my ex-boyfriend, with whom I was in a relationship for 3 years, only to find out that he would marry my best friend at work. Like mature adults, we sat over a coffee and reminded ourselves that ‘forgiveness’ was going to be a vital part of the new relationship, if not for us, for my girl friend at work. I suggest that you go out for a quick lunch, a quick coffee or take classes together if you are stuck in a similar situation. Whatever you do, make sure that the meetings are short and quick. The last thing you want is for all the effort to go waste because of moments of intimacy.

7. Stories – write yours and read others

Writing a journal about my experiences has been one of the most satisfying things I’ve done. And also the most effective way for me to learn to let go and forget. If you fancy the idea of penning down your feelings, go for it! There is no better way to let off some steam and vent your emotions. Are you a reader too? If you are, go find blogs or articles where people in similar situations have dealt with their tryst with forgiveness and how they’ve learnt to forget.

Unless your case is extraordinarily different from earthly matters, you should be on your way to forgetting the past and forgiving that certain someone for causing the hurt and pain in your life. I think that you give this another read so you can use the 7 top tips to learn to forgive and forget.

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