5 Signs that You Are In An Unhappy Relationship

5 Signs that You Are In An Unhappy Relationship

When you are happy with the relationship you are in, you do not need anything to tell you that you are happy because you just know it by the way you feel. But when you are not happy, it is difficult to make a decision as to whether to carry on the relationship or not. It is indeed difficult to just stop seeing someone because you do not feel up to it. Therefore, you need to look out for certain signs that will tell you whether or not the relationship is being fruitful for you. The top 5 signs that you are in an unhappy relationship are listed below.

1. Constant bickering

Just because you are arguing constantly does not mean that your relationship should come to an end. Take note of what you are arguing about. If you are fighting over useless and very petty stuff, it is time to reconsider your relationship with him. Do you abuse each other for anything and everything that goes wrong, however pointless the reason may be? If that is the case, then it is a sign of an unhappy relationship.

2. He wants you to change/adjust

If he wants you to change for his sake and asks you to adjust to suit his way of life, his likes and dislikes, his principles and has no regard for what you think is right for you, you should reconsider the relationship. A constant demand for changing from who you really are is a sign that this relationship is not a happy one and will not end up successful in the future.

3. He has no time for you

Has he been avoiding you lately? If you feel that he does not give you enough time and always has excuses for not being able to meet, you should pay heed to these signs. He might also be in a habit of constantly changing plans for some private work where he does not want you to accompany him, you should know that things are going awry between you two. If he has no time to spare so he can meet you even for some time in a day, it is a sign that the relationship is an unhappy one.

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Photo Courtesy : ilhan gendron
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