8 Tips to Get Rid of Blemishes

5. Apply a paste of baking soda and water

Baking soda has the potential to minimize breakouts as well as reduce pores. Take 2 tablespoons each of baking soda and warm water to make a smooth paste. Massage this paste with circular motions on areas that are inundated with pores for 30 seconds. Rinse using cold water. Repeat this exercise every night for a week and thereafter bring the frequency down to 4 times a week. However baking soda is not recommended if you have very sensitive skin.

6. Use potato juice

Some women have pigmentation scars on their face that bring down the beauty of skin and overall appearance. There are great and safe home remedies for reducing pigmentation. Rubbing raw and peeled potato half on pigmentation helps to bring down discoloration. Similarly, potato juice is another good alternative to reduce these blemishes on face. Also, raw papaya and some unboiled milk can do wonders to pigmentation. Mix the two and massage on face to minimize pigmentation and other blemishes.

7. Apply a paste of mustard and other kitchen essentials

Make a paste of yellow mustard, red lentil powder and sunflower seeds on your face. Clean face with warm water and pat dry. Apply the paste on your face and let it stay overnight. Rinse off in the morning and notice visible results in a short span of time.

8. Try aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel has amazing health properties for treating a wide variety of skin and health disorders. Aloe has the ability to give you clean and clear skin. Mix 3 vitamin E capsules in aloe vera gel and apply on blemishes for excellent results over a period of time.

There are multiple remedies to minimize or remove blemishes on face. However, trying them out in the initial stages is important for quicker and more holistic results.

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