5 Reasons You Should Support Your Best Friend’s Dreams

4. You win a friend for life

In the present age, friends grow apart very easily, each immersed in their own life and chasing their own dreams. When you help your friend achieve her dreams, by investing time, efforts and sometimes money as well, you show her that there is nothing more important to you than her dreams and her success. By doing so, you will win her heart and are more likely to retain her as a friend for the rest of your life. At some point of time, the karma comes back when that best friend will be your staff and support in your chase for your dreams and goals in life. This mutual respect and support is something that makes life worth living.

5. You save your friend from depression

If your best friend fails in her endeavor, it will have a severe impact on her for the rest of her life. There is something about that best friend that you dearly love. You have fun together and there are things that connect you with each other. A best friend disappointed and depressed due to failure would never be the same again. You have to make her believe in her dreams and go all out to achieve them at any cost. If your best friend is not able to achieve her dreams, she would end up living a monotonous life. Eventually, your friendship too will come to mean less to her and to you in the longer run. Unless there are two happy people in a relationship, it tends to rot. There is a good chance that her detachment saps the joy or affection out of the relationship. That is why you have to help your best friend achieve her dreams as that will make her life meaningful and complete her as a person, something that a success story always does.

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