13 Halloween Costume Ideas for Women

8. Little Red Riding Hood

There’s something about innocence which immediately attracts people. So how about being the innocent Little Red Riding Hood lost in the Halloween party? Of course there’ll be many who would love to find the red hooded mystery woman. So go and get the chase going!

9. Star Wars’ Princess Leia

If you want class, style, elegance and sexiness all bundled up in one costume, then go for the sexy Star Wars’ Princess Leia Costume. You’ll look like a sizzling beauty; just make sure that no actual wars get fought over you! Now that would be real fun, isn’t it?

10. Cruel Cruella

Go evil with the spotty Cruella look from the movie 101 DALMATIONS! Just make sure to complete your look with that half black and white wig. People will make way for this baddy ‘Cruella De Vil’.

11. Perky Genie

Remember that perky Genie from the popular TV Series? So how about adding some Middle-Eastern magic by wearing those colorful harem pants and becoming the magical ‘Genie’? Just remember to blink your eyes to let the magic begin!

12. Spider Girl

Make sure to catch some amazing guys in your web when you don the Spider Girl Costume this season!

13. Bloody Vampire

Flash a smile and show those sharp teeth! Be a bloody vampire and become the queen of Halloween!

So get ready to enjoy this Halloween by choosing one of these amazing costumes! Have fun!

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