10 Reasons to Eat More Fish

6. Easy on the stomach

Unless you like your fish all spicy and dripping in oil, you can assure that your tummy won’t have to work overtime to digest it. Even toddlers seem to do great by eating fish.

7. Good for the heart

Fish should feature prominently in your menu if you want to have a healthy heart as it not only prevents various heart ailments but also improves the blood flow and is said to prevent blood clots.

8. Essential for healthy bones

Though it may not be very high on calcium, fish does contain a good amount of Vitamin D which is essential for calcium absorption in the body thus leading to stronger and healthier bones.

9. Good for the brain

People all over the world swear by the correlation of a diet rich in fish and better brain activity. Besides, research has shown that fish aids in the brain development of the fetus due to which pregnant women are encouraged to increase their fish intake.

10. Prevents diseases

A diet rich in fish is claimed to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Besides, it is also thought to prevent cancer of kidney and also other ailments of the body created by deficiency of various nutrients.

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