10 Myths About Skin

Myth #6: Getting a base tan helps you protect your skin from skin burns outdoors.
Fact: Tanning, whether artificial or natural, is harmful for skin.

Myth #7: All ‘natural’ skincare products are good
Fact: Contrary to claims, most ‘natural’ products have some quantity of synthetic ingredients in them. Opt for products by trusted medical brands instead; consult a dermatologist before doing so.

Myth no.8: Wrinkles are caused by dry skin
Fact: Wrinkles are caused as the skin ages naturally, and the collagen levels drop. Wrinkled skin does look better when moisturized but it is not caused due to dryness.

Myth #9: Leaving masks overnight fetches better results
Fact: Keeping a face mask on for prolonged time may actually cause skin irritation and breakouts. Use it as per prescribed directions only.

Myth #10: Your skin will show the same aging pattern as your mom’s
Fact: Although genetics play an important role in determining our skin’s basic composition, skin aging is a subjective process.

It is wisely said that half knowledge of anything is bad. So, before you fall for marketing gimmicks or skin care tips which have been doing rounds for ages, try to separate the myths from the facts. You will stumble upon startling revelations in the process.

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