5 Ways to Happily Accept Your Boyfriend as He Is

4. Do not hurt him

Check your thoughts, words and actions towards your partner. What is the energy that you send out to him? Is it full of love and kindness or is it one of dislike? Keep in mind that the more you complain about his weaknesses, the lesser he is likely to change. Love, encouragement and compliments are a better way to help a man discard his bad habits.

5. Realize that no one can be perfect

Nobody and no relationships are perfect. There might be moments when many things would seem unacceptable, and you would want to walk out of the relationship. At those moments, think also of the wonderful times both of you have shared and realize that it cannot be rosy all the time. It is a blend of the pleasant and the unpleasant, which makes a relationship strong.

It is very easy to break up. The real test of strength is when you can change yourself, and be more loving and accepting of your boyfriend to have a beautiful relationship together.

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