Top 6 Barriers to Success

4. Resistance to change

Man is designed in a way to resist anything new that may come up. This is predominantly because of the fear that it will turn out to be negative. We, very often do not realize that a change can bring goodness with it and help us accomplish what we want with ease. Staying in your comfort zone may be a relief but will never let you explore, experiment and come up with something more effective.

5. Miscalculated efforts

There are lots of things you could possibly do to reach your goal. But not all are always pertinent. Running with a bunch of ideas and efforts is a great thing but evaluating their feasibility and functionality is a wise man’s job. This way, you minimize stress, make optimum utilization of resources and time and finally shed inhibitions associated with overcoming challenges.

6. External demotivators

These come in various forms when you least expect them. You perceive that you will be ridiculed, people are going to think ill of you, your efforts will go unappreciated and similar thoughts. If you let these stop you from succeeding, you will have to keep succumbing to such pressures all your life. So don’t pay heed to them and do what you set out to.

If you think about it, most of these barriers to success are internal and form a looming image in your mind. They prevent you from proceeding even before you have started. It is in your head to put them together and conceive them as another challenge that needs bashing up. All the best for your path to success!

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