Top 5 Tips For Entertaining Guests Outdoors

4. Don’t keep the drinks inside the house

Drinks, whether it is alcohol, juice, water, coffee or tea are an integral part of any outdoor entertainment plan. Do you expect your guests to go inside every time they need a refill? Of course not. Keep this tip in mind when you are entertaining guests outdoors because it is not only about the comfort and convenience of your guests but it will also save a lot of cleaning up for you after the party. Just imagine the amount of dirt and mess that will be created inside your home if all your guests continuously tread in and out. So we suggest that you keep a container of water, an esky with all your cold drinks and a table by the side of your entertainment venue for your juices and other beverages so guests can get what they want without having to roam around the house.

5. Keep lots of napkins or paper towels

Your guests are but naturally going to need napkins or paper towels after they’ve finished eating the food that’s been served. We ladies also like to keep our hands nice and clean, don’t we? This is definitely a tip that you don’t want to forget when you are entertaining guests outdoors because if you forget to put those napkins or paper towels outside, your guests will rush to the bathrooms inside the house to wash their hands. Now that’s a mess that you definitely don’t want to clean up afterwards, do you?

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