4 Signs You’re not Being True to Yourself

4 Signs You're not Being True to Yourself

Life is not always about appearances and worrying about other people. Your self-worth and image should not depend on what others think of you, expect of you or perceive of you, but it should be a reflection of what you are. You should be your own person and you can do this only when you are true to yourself. When you are not true to yourself, you will not only be a very unhappy person, but you will also find it difficult to stay truthful to people around you and you will find yourself leading many lives simultaneously. There are a lot of things that you can cheat yourself into. It can be your behavior, your weight, your attitude and even your attitude. Staying true to oneself is the most important thing in staying and leading a happy life. Here are some signs that you are not true to yourself.

1. You are constantly changing your views based on others’ views

You may be an idealist this moment and a completely practical person the next and this is not because this is what you are, but it is because the person next to you or the person around you are different and you make yourself a chameleon to change according to them. This can never be good for you or for them because, you will end up not knowing what you stand for and they will be falsely lead into believing that you are someone that you are not.

2. You starve yourself into losing weight even if it makes you unhappy

You may be comfortable with your body when you are pleasantly plump and want to stay that way. But if you are going to starve yourself because your boyfriend or your peers want you to be thin, then you are being true to yourself. If you like being curvy, then you should stay curvy and not succumb to the demands and likes of others. Stay true to yourself to be happier instead of forcing yourself to make others happy.

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TAGS: constantly changing, convince, happier, More