Lip Care Tips For Sexy Luscious Lips

Erica, 34, from the fashion capital of Manhattan, tells us about the horror stories she had with her dry lips and shares a unique tip for lip care with us. “I loved matte lipstick and used it all the time. Little did I know that matte lipsticks could give my lips dryness. It felt like my lips were chapped all the time! My tip for lip care for all women who like matte lipsticks is to use them sparingly, with a moisturizing lip balm or with other hydrating lip products.”

“Exfoliating your lips is a great way to remove the dead skin and bring the fresh and supple lip skin to the front, but I think that many of us overdo this tip for lip care”, writes in Carol. If you are one of those women who use lip exfoliants very regularly, you may want to heed Carol’s tip for lip care and cut down on the frequency of your exfoliation process. The skin on our lips is tender and is best rejuvenated with hydrating products and moisturizers.

The last tip for lip care that we got from a reader may sound silly, but we realized how common it is. “The simplest yet effective tip for lip care that I can give is to tell women to stop biting, picking, rubbing and licking lips. What do you think is going to happen when you torment your tender lip skin like this?”, wrote in Li, 27 and a self proclaimed style diva from Chicago. “Your nasty habit of picking at your lips often during the day will pave the way for rough and torn skin on the lips. Follow this tip for lip care and leave your lips alone”, she added.

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TAGS: beautiful lips, exfoliation, lip balm, More