How To Find The Perfect Baby Sitter For Your Child?

Level of maturity

Some people mature in their teens, some in their twenties, some in their thirties, and some never! Always remember that it is safest to keep your child in the responsibility of a mature baby sitter. They will react better to problems, needs and in times of emergency. It not rocket science ladies. Let’s say you were hiring someone to look after your own business. Wouldn’t you prefer someone with high levels of maturity to hold the reigns?


Any added qualifications possessed by the baby sitter are of immense benefit. Do you know what qualifications I am talking about? Qualifications in caring, safety, first aid or emergencies. How beneficial will it be in times of an emergency if your baby sitter is qualified to give CPR? These are little things which may help you decide on the right candidate if you have a few good choices.


Picture this. You’re going for a movie and you’re expecting the baby sitter to hit the doorbell any moment. It is 5 minutes before you leave and she calls up to say that she won’t be available for the day. How annoying will that be? Well we’ve all been through that. The point is to make sure that you discuss availability with your baby sitter in detail. Statements like “Oh, don’t worry I’ll make it work” or “We will adjust our timings” should not be tolerated. They will only cause worry at a later stage.

Meeting with the children

Have you shortlisted all the applicants for a baby sitter for your child? Down to the final three? Now allow your child to meet all the 3 applicants, just to see how well they gel and get along. Let them interact with your kids and see how well they manage them. You should get a preview of how things are going to be like when you’re gone.
As important as it is to keep these guidelines in mind, it is equally important to not compromise on your requirements. Remember, at the end of the day, your decision is going to affect the upbringing of your little loved one. Use these tips to find the perfect baby sitter for your child.

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