6 Interesting Things to Do With Your Girl Pals

4. Invent a symbol of your friendship

You could invent a cool name for your group, or all of you can get a tattoo of a similar shape to symbolize your friendship. You can take it one step ahead and write a song and compose some tunes that will be exclusively owned by just you and your girl pals!

5. Go on an adventurous trip

If you and your girl pals enjoy trekking, boating or photography, take a trip together. Make all the bookings and spend a week doing what you folks love doing. Even if your interests are not the same, plan something that all of you can have fun with. Take lots of photographs and make sure you cherish the memory.

6. Pick a thing to do

This is a really interesting idea. Each one of you will get to pick something fun for all of you to do. Whatever one-person picks, the others must do it without any questions/complaints. And this activity will be a surprise and will be known only to the one who plans it.

You don’t have to do all the things on the same day. Instead span this out over weeks or months. This will give you and your friends to get together and have a great time together every now and then.

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