5 Most Bizarre Beauty Practices Ever

4. Toxic dark lead for eyes

To give that mysterious look to eyes, Egyptians used dark lead for eye makeup. But it was a dangerous choice. You might find it hard to believe, but it’s true that non toxic mascaras came into existence as late as 1920s.

5. Urine Mouthwash / Mouth rinse

It is believed in many cultures across the human civilization that human urine is good for health and beauty. Some cultures even advocated drinking it. Romans believed in using urine as mouth wash. They believed that it led to better oral health by giving them good breath. They also believed in the teeth whitening properties of urine.

It’s always a good idea to make use of your own common sense and research a bit before blindly following ‘beauty tips’. So just be careful and steer clear of these harmful pieces of beauty advices!

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