3 Famous Female Role Models

3. Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie

Photo Courtesy: Gage Skidmore

I am not a fan of her acting abilities. I am not a fan of her relationship with Brad Pitt. I am not a fan of her 14 known tattoos. But what I do know is that this Hollywood damsel has surely done her bit to make the world a better place. Can you believe that Jolie has been on on-field missions to help refugees in more than 20 countries? Namibia, Tanzania, Kenya, Kosovo, Thailand, Columbia, Ecuador, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Jaffna, Lebanon, Beirut, Pakistan, Haiti, India, Russia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Bosnia and many more – the list is long, and the list is unbelievable! Jolie has lent a helping hand to refugees, to people affected by natural disasters, to people suffering from poverty and sickness, and to thousands of orphans around the world. Whether I like her acting or not, this Academy Award winning actress has been a fantastic human being and has left her mark on the planet. She is an inspiration to millions of women out there and is a proof that women can take charge – and how!

All the three role models have been females who have become very powerful and their opinions influence the decisions of this modern world. If you are ever down and need a quick boost, remember how these 3 famous female role models have fought their battles to emerge as legends.

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