25 Things About a Girl Which Turn Guys On

14. Grungy:

If you have the grunge Keisha-isk look, like a long t-shirt, messed up hair and short boxers, a guy would howl like a wolf at you.

15. Innocence:

If you could pull off the “oh-I-am-so-pure-and-innocent-like-a-little-bunny”, you will have guys covering up their crotch.

16. Giggle, Laughing Noises:

If you are good at making these sounds, and you can do it well, you know you own the guy you are with!

17. Being a bad ass:

Crazy as it may sound, guys dig chicks who are a bigger bad ass than they are. Run the world!

18. Flamboyance:

If you have all the money in the world, and spend like crazy, guys find that hot!

19. Initiator:

Guys go nuts instantly about girls who are incredibly open and make the first move.

20. A little girl:

If you come across as a little girl who needs a daddy, guys would drop whatever they are doing and come to your rescue. Of course they would be super turned on as well.

21. Naughtiness:

If you can be a naughty, naughty, naughty girl, he can’t help but get turned on!

22. Flexibility:

If you mention that you have a strong core and you kick butt at stretching, his mind starts imagining all sorts of things, in turn, turning him on.

23. Breasts:

This is another obvious one. You know a good set makes guys go mad. Breathe in, boobs up!

24. Being unavailable:

This turns a guy on because you become something he can’t have and wants more!

25. Smell:

If you smell incredible, you will end up turning the guy on! Perfume, ladies?

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