11 Speed Dating Tips

7. Positive Attitude

When you enter a speed dating session, go in thinking, “Today is my day” rather than “There’s no one for me here” or look at some other man and think “I wish I was with him”. You have already lost the battle if you think negatively. Your confidence will radiate in front of your potential partner and your diffidence will turn them off completely.

8. Pay attention

This is a very small but critical detail that many people miss. Imagine a situation where your potential partner asks you a question and you can’t respond because you weren’t paying attention? How embarrassing can that be! If your partner finds out that you are losing interest in him, he will immediately shut down. Even if your speed dating partner is actually really boring, be polite and end the conversation in a cordial manner.

9. Avoid vices

You must absolutely abstain from smoking of drinking too much on the day you are going to speed date. This is the least you can do to make a good impression. Be on your best behavior and don’t give out a foul odor from your body. Some people may be very sensitive to such odors and you may lose very good candidates because of such vices.

10. Show your height

This sounds like a lesson from personality development in school, but it is really quite important. Never slouch and have a straight back. This will accentuate the style of the clothes you will be wearing to the dating session. At the same time, don’t be too uptight and formal with your partner, you may ward him/her off by making an instant barrier of not being friendly. Lean forward a little bit to sound interested.

11. Follow up efficiently

Typically, this is how a speed dating session (whether online or offline) works. Once the session is over, you will receive contact information for people you expressed an interest and vice versa. Eliminate this list further down to only two or three people whom you really liked. Send a friendly email to them expressing interest for another meeting. If they are genuinely interested, they will surely respond. If they don’t, quit being obsessive about them and tracking them down. This can be very intrusive.

Since speed dating is a mix and match session, to leave a lasting impression about yourself is of prime importance. Do remember that your potential partner will be meeting other potential partners and hence you are not alone. Many people look down upon speed dating as flippant, but history says that it was first introduced by the Rabbi Yaacov Deyo of Aish HaTorah, which was used to help Jewish singles meet and later marry. Well, if speed dating is so tried and tested, check out how foolproof it is for you.

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