10 Ways to Improve Your Life

6. Learn a new thing

Get started by learning a new thing, every day. It may be something as simple as learning a new word at the end of the day. You can also try learning the name of a flower in your garden, the music genre that’s playing on the morning radio (if not announced), or the musical instrument playing in the background of a shop.

7. Do something you wanted to do for a long time

You might have wanted to do plenty of things when you were a kid or even as a grown up, but never got around doing it. Now, give yourself that time and do it. It might be sitting in the park and just watch your surroundings, watching the sunset/sunrise, going for dinner with yourself, etc. You will feel inner contentment, even if it was something silly. You were at least able to complete your heart’s desire.

8. Spend wisely

To further help this, create a budget for a day, a week or a month. Whatever suits you best and stick to it. If there is something you want to buy, maybe an appliance, a couple of clothes; stop and think about the viability of spending on it. Is it important to buy it right now or can it wait? Is there something more important I’m missing out to buy? Do such thinking often to save money and spend wisely in the process.

9. Eat healthy food

If you’re looking out to eat healthy and stay one healthy person for the rest of your life, then include these tips in your daily meals. Eat in a smaller plate to reduce the amount of food you consume, have three servings of fruit every day and 4-5 servings of vegetables and prepare a list of quick and healthy breakfast ideas. For losing weight, you can even come down on your calorie intake by 175 calories each day. This way you will lose 5 pounds in 100 days since losing one pound of fat requires 3500 calories to burn.

10. Do a good deed

Helping others out always leaves a permanent mark on us and those on the receiving end. Prepare tea and snacks for the old neighbor living down the street, help someone cross the road, give candies to children on the road or hug a colleague who’s feeling down at work. This will give you immense happiness and inner peace. Trust us.

These are 10 good things that you can do to improve your life. Are there some more that you would like to share with us? If so, leave a comment!

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TAGS: be happy, declutter, eat healthy, More