10 Tips to Teach Children About God

6. Visit religious places regularly

Make it a routine to visit church or any other religious place on a Sunday or a fixed day according to your convenience.

7. Listen to religious songs/ rhymes together

Children love music. So take the help of music, songs and rhymes to introduce the concept of God to your child.

8. Write ‘letters’ to God

Writing ‘letters’ is another fun way to encourage your child to communicate with God. Participate in this activity by writing a letter yourself.

9. Celebrate religious festivals

Celebrate all your religious festivals at home and explain the significance of each in simple words to your child.

10. Be a role model

Kids are copycats. Whatever you do, they’ll do. So make sure you are setting the right example in front of your child by praying regularly and thanking God.

So follow these tips to help your child understand God.

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