10 Simple Ways To Go Green

6. Borrow, don’t buy

Borrow from libraries instead of buying books. This not only saves your money but also reduces the large amounts of paper and ink that go into the manufacturing of these books.

7. Recycle electronics

Cell phones, television sets, computers and various other electronic appliances are thrown into the trash long before their value diminishes. E-waste contains mercury and other toxics that are increasingly becoming an environmental problem. Hence, it’s best to recycle them, preferably sell them to an organization that would make good use of them.

8. Buy locally grown food

Food from grocery stores generally travels miles before you consume it. This causes pollution due to the burning of fossil fuels. It also means reduced nutritional value. Hence, buying food from local farmers is a much more feasible, less expensive and healthier option.

9. Use less water

Fix a leaking tap or toilet in your house. This leakage can waste more water than you can even imagine.

10. Check the energy star label

If you want to buy new household appliances, do not forget to check for the Energy Star label on the product. These labels guarantee that the electric appliances you buy are energy efficient.

If you are a ‘Go Green’ activist or know something more than the ways we’ve mentioned here, do tell us and our readers about the same. Talk to us through the ‘comments’ section.

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TAGS: books, cfl, electrical appliances, More