15 Fun Facts About Nails

9. The main component of your nails is same as that of your hair, a type of protein called keratin.

10. Nails grow faster on the hand which is dominant. For instance, if you are left-handed, then the nails on your left hand will grow faster than the ones on the right hand.

11. You can actually stimulate nail growth by massaging them regularly, lightly tapping them on a table or even by typing on a computer.

12. Your nails can let you know about your overall health. For instance, if you have white spots on your nails, then it is could be a sign of calcium deficiency in the body.

13. If you have dry or brittle nails, then you can make them healthier by increasing your water intake.

14. In many cultures, it is considered bad luck to cut your nails after dark.

15. Contrary to popular belief, your hair and nail do not continue to grow after you die. Since the body dehydrates after death, it appears as if the nails and hair are growing.

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