5 Emotional Problems You may Face With an Adopted Child

4. Comments from the child

In some cases, when the child realizes that you are his adoptive parent, there can be trouble. If the child gets angry over something, his/her outbursts may sound like, “Who are you to scold me?” “I hate you”; “You’re not my real mom! My real mom would never scold me like this.” Listening to this might let you down drastically. But you have to know that the child has just said it out of frustration, without meaning anything. You should be able to take it in the stride, or else you may find it real difficult to adjust.

5. Questions from the child

In cases where the adopted child is the single child you are having, you would never want him/her to be curious about the real parents. But chances are there that the child might continuously ask for the same. You might have a fear that the child might love you less after knowing the truth. Do not let your emotions burden you and skip the question. Never hide things from the adopted child, or else it might backfire later.

Raising an adopted child involves many emotional phases in your life. If you handle things maturely, you can get out of such turmoil and increase the attachment with the child.

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