Are You Damaging Your Skin With Excessive Defoliation?

Too many scrubbers

I used to simply devour all those colorful loofahs and scrubbers lying in my bathroom until a friend of mine advised me to stop overusing them. To get a few skin basics right, the correct reason to use scrubbers is to simply remove dead cells on the surface of the skin. But if you go overboard with this, and rub and scrub away to glory, you’re going to end up causing damage to the living cells of your skin, leading to defoliation. And if you keep doing this over time, your skin will lose the ability to regenerate those required cells.

Traps of defoliation

At the end of the day, women with all types of skin feel like exfoliating and many of them end up doing it too much. Haven’t you heard ladies with oily skin scrub away to glory to reduce their acne? Or ladies with dry skin scrubbing away to add moisture by removing those dead flakes and allowing regeneration of new skin cells? Believe me, using tons and tons of products on your skin to strengthen it with the benefits that the product promises is not the way to go Whatever the skin type, everyone seems to have a reason to excessively defoliate! Do you know what the best way to go about this is? Simply research your skin type of visit your dermatologist to get guidelines on how much and how many products you should be using for maximum benefit.

With an overload of cleansers, facial masks, exfoliating scrubs and cosmetic treatments, many beautiful women are becoming victims of skin damage and defoliation. You don’t want to have a nightmare of a time with repair rashes, skin irritation, dehydration and even infection, do you?

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TAGS: beauty products, cleansing, defoliation, More