9 Signs You Are in the Wrong Job

6. You don’t see yourself advancing in your job

In any aspect of life, growth is vital. You cannot like a job when you don’t see any scope for growth in future. If the peak you want to reach by itself is blur, how are you going to work hard towards it. This will not only affect your productivity, but it will also make you unhappy and dissatisfied, and take away your confidence. You will slowly start getting frustrated especially when you meet people who are advancing in their career while yours is taking you no where.

7. You are not proud about the job you do

No matter how much you convince yourself that the job you do is good, you feel ashamed to tell others about your job. Just imagine if even talking about your job to others makes you feel ashamed then how much it will affect your productivity at your job! If you really love the job you do, you would brag about it to others. But if it works just the opposite way for you, then it is very much possible that you are trapped in the wrong job.

8. You dig for distractions all the time

If you are doing a job you really love doing, you would not want to be distracted. You would try and find means to concentrate at work. Yes, work does get monotonous at times and at such times if you are looking for a way to de-stress, then it is normal. However, if you find yourself having zero interest in the job you are doing, are unable in concentrating and get distracted with silly things around you, then probably it is a sign that you are in the wrong job.

9. You are under utilizing your strengths

A good job is the one that gives you an opportunity to utilize your strengths to the maximum extent and also to improvise on them. If the job you are doing is under utilizing your strengths instead, then it is indubitably a bad sign. This condition is worse than being overqualified for a job. As it poses a barrier for you to stand out from the rest, professionally, and slowly cuts down on your personal growth. Unless you practice and work on the things you are good at, you will lose them eventually. Hence do consider this as very important.

If you find yourself nodding to two or more of the signs mentioned above, then it maybe high time that you need a job change.

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