7 Feng Shui Tips for Decorating Your Home

5. Use yan colors in your office and home decor

Yan colors and their brightness can fill you with motivation and energy. Yellow and orange are two best examples of yan shades. You can use yan colors at your work place. This may help you work with full enthusiasm. Wherever you need an ambiance full of concentration and energy, just use yan colors.

6. Be careful while selecting the shape of your furniture

Avoid sharp silhouetted furniture because such type of furniture restricts the flow of good energy. Furniture with soft and smooth corners or edges is preferable for the flow of good energy. A round coffee table is the best example of smooth and soft silhouetted furniture.

7. Welcome sunlight in your house

Keep your curtains open and allow sunlight to enter in your room. Sunlight produces positive energy in your home. For more positive energy, you can use chimes, flowers and other decorative items. All these items will create a pleasant ambiance in your house.

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