6 Reasons Why Girls Love Daniel Craig

4. Charming smile

When Craig smiles, hearts flutter! His think lips curl into a warm and enchanting smile and his twinkle eyes lend naughtiness to his mysterious looks. He could not look more sizzling! Girls swoon over this charming smile.

5. Sexy voice and accent

A cold exterior and fiery within describes Daniel Craig perfectly. His cold and smooth British accent and understated style of talking can woo any girl! He also has the most versatile voice. His voice over in the movie, The Adventures of Tintin created a larger than life character on screen.

6. Enigmatic personality

Girls like actors who make it big and have come a long way with their hard work and efforts. Craig is one such remarkable figure. Craig wanted to aim for the star. He made an appearance with the stars of Hollywood such as the likes of Tom Hanks in the movie, Road to Perdition. The movie received critical acclaim and Craig was noticed as an actor holding million promises. Today the Bond character played by Craig has millions of girls loving the actor for his enigmatic personality.

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