20 Signs He’s Not Worth It

11. He never really talks about taking the relationship to the next level or commits to a long term relationship or marriage.

12. He often tells you that you are ‘fat’ or ‘ugly’ and suggests that you should get some cosmetic surgery done!

13. He expects you to do his household work like cleaning his house or laundry or cooking for him and never ever offers to help you.

14. He never really compliments you on anything.

15. You cook dinner and wait for him to have it together and all he says is that he’s not hungry and walks away without even feeling apologetic!

16. He looks lustfully at other girls even in your presence.

17. He doesn’t refrain from flirting with your close friends!

18. He doesn’t remember your birthday or things that you like to do. And if he does remember it, he never really does anything to make you feel special on that day.

19. While having an argument, he shouts really loudly and starts banging things. That’s a warning sign, stay away from him!

20. He hits you when he’s angry! That’s the ultimate sign. Get away from him immediately. Don’t justify his violent action in the name of love. Leave him immediately and never look back!

Be bold and face the reality. The sooner you get out of an ugly relationship, better it is for you!

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