8 Ways to Discipline Your Child

8 Ways to Discipline Your Child

Temper tantrums, name calling, biting, pulling hair, unexplainable rage, irresponsibility, etc. Does it all sound familiar? Is this what your child has been indulging in recently? If yes, then your child needs to learn some serious discipline lessons. Disciplining your child is all about being consistent and persistent. Here are some tips to discipline your ill-disciplined child:

1. Practice what you preach

Kids learn by example. If they see you flouting rules, then they’ll never follow the rules themselves. So set a good example, be a disciplined and responsible parent and then expect your child to do the same. Practice what you preach, always!

2. Be consistent

One of the pillars on which discipline stands on is consistency. You can’t make ‘exceptions’ according to your convenience. This is detrimental to all efforts at disciplining your child. If you say that he can’t watch TV after 7, then it should be like that always. Not like you are fed up of him and want to get rid of him, so you let him watch TV after 7 to keep him busy. That way, he’ll always know that there are ways to ‘bend’ the rules.

3. Be persistent

Say it once, say it twice, say it always. Be persistent and only then it will be reinforced in your child’s mind.

4. Don’t give in to emotional melodrama

Mothers tend to become soft the moment their child starts shedding tears. But be smart; learn to recognize when he’s really emotionally upset and when he is just indulging in emotional melodrama to get what he wants. Let him know that such tricks won’t work on you.

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Photo Courtesy : Tetra Pak
TAGS: child, children, consequences, More