5 Tips to Talk About Thigh Gap With Your Daughter

4. Make her understand that most of what she sees is photo shopped

Almost all pictures of models and other celebrities are airbrushed or photo shopped before they are printed. It’s important that your daughter knows this. Make her understand, read her a few scientific facts about the human body and let her understand that thigh gap on every female body is just unnatural and harmful.

5. Give her healthy role models

Pique her interest in successful intelligent athletic women who are not reed thin and definitely do not have a “thigh gap”. Tell her it wasn’t their thigh gap that got them to where they are but their hard work and intellect.

It is a difficult thing to discuss with your daughter, but something that needs to be done. Go slow and never be judgmental. Just make sure she understands that this is an unhealthy obsession and this fad too will pass after a while to be replaced by newer things. More than anything teach her to respect herself.

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