5 Face Mask Recipes for Beautiful Skin in Winter

Face Mask Recipes for Beautiful Skin in Winter Face Mask Recipes for Beautiful Skin in Winter

Winter season may affect your skin adversely. The cold winter along with the harsh chilly winds will make your skin dry and chapped. It is best to use the below discussed face packs to keep your skin fresh and thriving during the winter season. You can alternatively use these face packs for best results. It is best to stick to the one that has good effects on your skin.

1. Choco Face Pack

Add a tablespoon of brown sugar, cocoa powder and chocolate powder each to a tablespoon of glycerin. Mix the ingredients with a spoon and make a smooth paste. Apply the paste evenly on your face and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Clean your face with lukewarm or cold water.

2. Yoghurt-Honey Face Pack

Add two tablespoons of yoghurt and organic honey each to a bowl. Add one tablespoon of chickpea power, and then add half a spoon of lemon juice to the bowl. You can apply this paste for 15 minutes and then wash your face with lukewarm water.

3. Avocado Face Pack

This face pack can be easily made at home and can effectively keep your skin nourished during winter. Take a few avocados and mash it into a pulp in a bowl. Then add one tablespoon of olive oil to the bowl and make a smooth paste. You can apply this to your face and leave it for almost 30 minutes. Once the pack dries up, wash your face with lukewarm or cold water.

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Photo Courtesy : Picdream
TAGS: almond, apple pulp, beautiful skin in winter, More