5 Steps For a Spa Treatment At Home

4. Facial mask

After toning, get ready for a facial mask. Facial masks are a great way of rejuvenating your skin. You can prepare facial masks using things from your kitchen cabinet. There are different types of facial masks for different skin types. You can make mud or clay based masks for oily skin, honey, glycerin and oil based mask for dry skin or green tea mask if you have sensitive skin. After you’ve made the mask, apply it on your face, massage for some time and then wash it off.

5. Moisturizing

Finally, moisturize your skin. Moisturizing is an essential part of spa treatment. It is one of the key components required for maintaining healthy skin. It improves the skin’s water content and makes it smooth. Get a moisturizer that is gentle on your skin and massage your face softly with it.

Do not forget to apply a sunscreen lotion before facing the sun. The sun’s rays have a bad effect on your skin and hence you should be careful before you go out in the sun. You can also immerse your feet in a hot water tub and relax them.

This is how you can get a perfect spa treatment at home in just five simple steps which will also not create a hole in your pocket!

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