What Do Men Like In A Woman? These 10 Things, Of Course!

6. She is caring

All men love a woman who takes care of his small needs. This could be anything like cooking dinner for them, giving them a massage when they are tired and such niceties. Men really do appreciate this effort and in turn reciprocate the favor too.

7. She is supportive

A woman who supports her man through thick and thin is the ultimate that men want from a woman. Men like a woman who will be there for them at all points in their life and never back off.

8. She speaks her mind

Men like the fact that a woman speaks her mind when it’s necessary. A woman that stands up for herself and lets others know that she will not be taken for granted is something that men like in a woman. They don’t like someone who is too timid to speak for herself.

9. She doesn’t compromise

Men like a woman who doesn’t compromise if asked to. Men prefer a woman who has her own ideals and set of principles. Men like those women who command respect and thus are more respectful towards those women.

10. She doesn’t pressurize

Men like a woman who will not pressurize them for anything be it work, their relationship or marriage. Men like to keep a hold on their lives. Thus, they will not like pressure from a woman.

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TAGS: caring, compromise, dating advice, More