7 Ways to Teach Children to Make Good Choices in Life

5. Reward them for their good choices

If you punish your children for the wrong that they do, you should also make it a point to offer them a reward when you think that they have consciously made a good choice. You can take your daughter out for a movie for coming home on time after every single party she went to in the last couple of months. You can buy your son a nice video game for getting good grades throughout the year. This behavior will form a link in a child’s mind, that good choices will always be rewarded in life.

6. Allow children to make mistakes

Your children will never learn if you don’t allow them to make mistakes. When they do make a bad choice, make them suffer for their bad judgment in their own way. Let them mull over their mistakes and allow them to realize the disadvantage of making bad choices in life by themselves. Always remember that children will never learn to stand up on their own feet if you don’t allow them to fall.

7. Show them how you benefited from good choices

When your children are young, it is important that you tell them how you benefited from making good choices in life. Whether it was your decision to study hard in college or your choice to forgo an overseas holiday for an important job assignment, explain to them the advantages of making the right choice in life.

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